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I was born in 1952 in Saint Brieuc and grew up in the Cotes d’Armor region- France.

Breton , but also a citizen of the world, receptive to others ,curious about nature; if I miss my homeland when I am far away ,still I enjoy discovering other worlds and other ways of life, to better appreciate when I find close to home.

I’ m into everything. I easily undertake, engraving and ceramics. And yet there are differences in learning to work on a flat and rectangular surface of a painting or the curves of a vase or the round form of a plate. For a plate, for instance, I must find several anchor points.

It is clear that I have commited myself to a global creative process. I develop the various facets of my artistic world by way of a variety of techniques, taking technical challenges and integrating them fully into my creations.

Ma bibliographie // Mes Expositions et Salons // Mes Tarifs

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